The Key to Business Success – By Phin Upham

By Phin Upham

What makes one firm better than the other? What gives some firms “sustainable competitive advantage” over other companies in the marketplace? The bad news is that there isn’t a simple, one-size-fits-all answer. But there are many theories. Here’s is a look at one theory that might explain why some firms win. One of the views that attempts to answer why some firms are better than others is the dynamic capabilities view. It describes the successes, failures, and sources of challenge for business people. Complex in nature, the dynamic capabilities view is especially useful in times of change.  Continue reading

Phin Upham Bio

Phin Upham

Phin Upham

Phin Upham has attended Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. He has worked in macro and illiquid investing and currently works at a family office / hedge fund. He has written for articles for national publications including the National Post in Toronto and United Press International in Washington, and has edited three books. Continue reading